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SANDALINA RZ (43-183) product photo view-3 L
SANDALINA RZ (43-183) product photo front L
SANDALINA RZ (43-183) product photo view-2 L
SANDALINA RZ (43-183) product photo view-3 L
SANDALINA RZ (43-183) product photo front L
SANDALINA RZ (43-183) product photo front S
SANDALINA RZ (43-183) product photo view-2 S
SANDALINA RZ (43-183) product photo view-3 S

43-183 RZ is an outdoor butterhead lettuce for Mediterranean summer conditions. 43-183 RZ is slow bolting and has a nice base. It is somewhat compact. 43-183 RZ can also be grown in NW-Europe in the middle of Summer.

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اسم متنوعة
رقم المقدمة
43-183 RZ
نوع الصنف
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Well-shaped compact butterhead

Sandalina RZ is a butterhead lettuce with a green and somewhat compact head and nice base. It has a well-balanced shape and can be used for both processing and the fresh market. Sandalina RZ is slow bolting and therefore is suitable for warmer conditions like the Mediterranean summer. It can be grown outdoors as well as in hydroponic systems.

• Compact habit
• Balanced shape
• Strong base
• Dual purpose