MULTIMA RZ F1 (30-254)

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MULTIMA RZ F1 (30-254) product photo front L
MULTIMA RZ F1 (30-254) product photo front L
MULTIMA RZ F1 (30-254) product photo front L
MULTIMA RZ F1 (30-254) product photo front S

Plant vigour strong, large plant frame

عرض المزيد من تفاصيل التنوع

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اسم متنوعة
MULTIMA RZ F1 (30-254)
رقم المقدمة
30-254 RZ
نوع الصنف
(HR) المقاومات
(IR) المقاومات

Product info:
- Plant vigour strong, large plant frame
- Head shape flat to flat / round
- colour waxy blue-green
- weight range 1,7 – 4,0 kg
- internal quality: starting loose, white / yellow, thin leaves

Growing info:
- plant densities 30.000 – 45.000 / ha
- growing days 85 – 100
- harvesting period: mid + late season, (regional overwintering)
- climate areas: moderate, continental, subtropical

Market info:
- recommended for freshmarket and processing

- growing value: excellent vigour, strong against Thrips infection, strong in hot/humid conditions
- freshmarket value: variable sizes, attractive shape, intensive green wrapper foliage
- processing value: fermentation of whole heads, small cabbage rolls
- consumer value: traditional home use (leaf wrapping, salads)