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FESTIVAL RZ product photo front L
FESTIVAL RZ product photo front L
FESTIVAL RZ product photo front L
FESTIVAL RZ product photo front S

Festival RZ produces bright green, straight and uniform good-quality pole slicing beans of 22 to 24 cm long.

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اسم متنوعة
رقم المقدمة
16-17 RZ
نوع الصنف
حبة التسلق المسطحة
ليبل المنتج
لا يوجد ملصق المنتج

High yield and good quality

Festival RZ produces bright green, straight and uniform good-quality pole slicing beans of 22 to 24 cm long. The plants are robust and generative producing a regular and high yield. This varieity is very adaptive, maintaining a high production of uniform beans in different climates and conditions. Festival RZ is suitable for spring and summer protected cultivation and also, due to its great robustness, for outdoor production.

• High percentage of top-quality beans
• High yield
• Heavy beans