CHERYL RZ F1 (10-503) product photo view-3 L
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CHERYL RZ F1 (10-503) product photo view-3 L
CHERYL RZ F1 (10-503) product photo front L
CHERYL RZ F1 (10-503) product photo front S
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CHERYL RZ F1 (10-503) product photo view-3 S

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اسم متنوعة
CHERYL RZ F1 (10-503)
رقم المقدمة
10-503 RZ
نوع الصنف
ليبل المنتج
لا يوجد ملصق المنتج

Closed plant with medium vigor. Shiny black oval round fruits with strong calyx. Big Size: 550-600 g. Also suitable for open field cultivation.